Sunday, August 30, 2015

Let's Go Green! (Reuse)

Hi people! In this entry I want to talk about 'Reuse.' Now that you are already known on the first term of 3R concept on the previous post (Reduce), now lets move to the second term that is Reuse.

What is Reuse?

Reuse is we reuse something again for the same use as before or use it for another purpose. Reuse can cut the usage of the in-destroyed thing such as plastic. So before you throw away some of the unwanted items that you don't use or need anymore in your house, you can think another way to reuse the item again.

Example of item that has been reuse.

Example of item that has been reuse.

There are many other things at your home that you can reuse before throwing it away. Go green and start reusing! Click HERE to know more about the items at your house that you can reuse. Reuse is the second term in 3R concept and it is really important for you to practice it as to save our mother nature. I hope you can start to reuse! All the best  people! :)


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