Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Let's Get Started!

Assalamualaikum and welcome to my green blog. I am Rossyam Hadi Bin Roslan semester 5 of Diploma in English Communication student from Kolej Profesional MARA Indera Mahkota. I dedicated this blog for Digital and Mobile Communication subject, ITE 3563 as I have been assigned to do an assignment on this subject. The blog theme is all about 'Green.' So I picked Let's Go Green as my blog's title.

The official logo for Let's Go Green

There are three main objectives of  this blog:

1. To explain on the importance of going green.
2. To make people aware of the consequences if they are not practicing eco-friendly lifestyle.
3. To teach some easy steps that people can practice to go green.

Going green and practicing eco-friendly lifestyle is important to save our mother nature. People need to be aware of the pollution and destruction that can give a bad effect to our earth. It is vital for us to take of our mother nature as to make it a better place to live in for the next generation of humankind.

I hope this little blog of mine can make a change for the world. I hope this blog would inspire you and lighten up your spirit to join me and be together as one to take a good care of our earth. We shared breathe the same air, we stand on the same ground, we sees the same moon, and we live in the same world. So, why don't we get together as a team and take care of our world?

We are all in this together! Take my hand and join me! Let's go green earthlings!  :)

Eco-friendly symbols

Let's go green now!


Monday, August 31, 2015

Reference List

1. 10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green. (2006). WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE. Retrieved from

2. 10 reasons to go green starting NOW. (2014). treehugger. Retrieved from

3. The 3R Concept and Waste Minimization. (2015). Retrieved from

4. THE 3R'S STILL RULE. (2011). This Green Life. Retrieved from

5. Reduce, reuse and recycle. (2013). THE STAR ONLINE. Retrieved from


7. Sman, C. (2013). Help green Miri  by practising 3R concept. BORNEO POST online. Retrieved from

8. Fitzpatrick, K. (2014). DIY: 45 Healthy Foods to Make and Never Buy Again. Greatist. Retrieved from

9. 35 Heavenly Homemade Food Gifts. (2015). MidwestLiving. Retrieved from

10. Mini Garden. Retrieved from

11. Wall Garden Planter. FLORISTIKA. Retrieved from

12. Faiz, M. DIY Miniature Garden Accessories. instructables. Retrieved from

13. How to Create a Miniature Garden. Goods Home Design. Retrieved from 

14. Benefits of Going Green. all-recyclinga-facts. Retrieved from

15. What Are the Benefits of Going Green for a business? Chron. Retrieved from

16. Rogers, C, D. (2015). The Importance of Going Green. LIVESTRONG. Retrieved from

17. How To Increase Your Bottom Line By Going Green. Retrieved from

18. Cordero, M. (2010). Benefits of Going Green. Green Business Bureau. Retrieved from

19. Benefits of Going Green. Retrieved from

20. Plaza, C. (2011). More Consumer Understand Benefits of Going Green. Retrieved from

21. Air Pollution. National Geography. Retrieved from


23. Air Pollution. Medline Plus. Retrieved from


25. Woodford, C. (2015). Water pollution: an introduction. EXPLAINTHATSTUFF. Retrieved from

26. Water Pollution Guide, Retrieved from

27. Global Warming. Retrieved from

28. Global Warming: News, Facts, Causes & Effects. livescience. Retrieved from

29. Global Warming. Retrieved from

30. Natural Disaster. Retrieved from


Hi people! So I guess this is the last post for this green blog. Yeap it is kinda sad but I hope you guys learn something from this blog. I am very proud of this blog, I hope it can help as a guidance for them to start going green. Thank you very much for spending your time to read my blog. Thank you also to my lecturer Madam Hawinda for guiding me throughout to make this blog interesting and green of course.

Going green is really really really important because of it is the only way to save our earth. There are many benefits of going green as I have mentioned on the previous post and the bad effect if we are not going green and practicing an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

I hope this little blog would inspire a spark and lighten up the spirit inside of you to stop being selfish and being responsible to think about our mother nature. We are in this together, let's get together and change for the better! Let's going green today before it is too late! :)

I guess this is goodbye, remember, think green, love green and go green! Until we meet again people! :)


Global Warming

Hi people! Now you that are aware of the air pollution, water pollution and natural disaster that are happening because of we are not practicing the eco-friendly lifestyle and going green. Other than that, there are one well-known phenomena that can occur that is global warming.

Global warming is whereas the ozone of the atmosphere become thinner and allows a strong heat to enter the earth. The amount of carbon dioxide is higher than the amount of oxygen. This can cause a high temperature and can bring a lot of serious diseases to us. Click HERE to find out the global warming's facts, effects and more.

The explanation of global warming and green house effect.

The explanation of global warming.

Global warming and the green house effect is a serious problems. We need to avoid it from happening because once it happened, there will be no turning back! Let's change now for the better future. The power is in our hands! :)



Natural Disaster

Hi people! Besides from air and water pollution, there are also natural disaster that will occur if we are not going green. Natural disaster can be lead to many such as floods, landslides, earthquakes and more. The causes of the natural disaster is because of human behavior except for floods and landslides.

Floods is cause the heavy on-going rain that can stuck the flow of the water in the drain that cause the water to rise above the ground and flooded outside the drain. Floods happened because of  the rubbish that people thrown away into the drain or at the side of the road. Floods can cause serious death and injuries and also damaging the building and environment. Click HERE to know more about floods and some tips to survive from it.


Furthermore, there is landslides. Landslides occur because of the logging activities. Landslides also dangerous can cause serious death and damage to the certain place. Click HERE to find out more about landslides. 


Remember that we can prevent this natural disaster from happening juts by start going green! Let's change for the better people! :)



Water Pollution

Hi people! I have already mentioned about one of the bad effects if we are not practicing eco-friendly lifestyle and if we are not going green, air pollution will occur. Besides air pollution, there are also water pollution.

What is water pollution?

Water pollution is whereas the water is affected with the toxic and wastes product from that the factory thrown away without filtering it first. Water pollution can bring a lot of bad effect to us especially because water the one of our main source of food besides land. We gain protein from it by eating the aquatic creatures. Click HERE to find out more about water pollution. 

Example of water pollution.

Example of wastes products.

Water pollution is very harmful because water is essential to us, animals and plants. If the water is dirty, we are in a serious problem. You can practicing the 3R concept to avoid this matter from happening. Let's get together and save our earth!


Air Pollution

Hi people! I guess it is enough to talk about the importance and the benefits of going green. I am sure that you guys are pretty well known about the goodness of going green. But what happened if we are not practicing eco-friendly lifestyle? What happened if we are not going green? What is the effect? Let me tell you.

If we are not practicing eco-friendly lifestyle, there will be pollution that can causes many disease and harmful to human and animals. One of the main pollution that cause by logging and open burning is the air pollution.

Logging that causes air pollution.

Logging activities is in which the trees has been cutting off in the forest. The main objective is to make the trees as a paper. This can causes serious air pollution and the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air is higher than oxygen because of the small amount of tree. Click HERE to find out more about logging activity.

Open burning that can causes serious haze

Besides from logging activities, open burning also can causes serious haze that has many bad impact and harmful to the human. It can cause sore throat, sore eye and even worst skin cancer. Click HERE to find out more about open burning.

sore eyes because of the haze

Sore eyes is very dangerous. Click HERE to find out more about the sore eyes symptoms and the treatment for it. Are you scared enough? You can stopped all of this by going green! The change is in your hand! Let's make the change today! :)


Benefits of Going Green (State)

Hi people! It's me again! On the previous post I have already told you on the benefits of going green to the individual and society, now I will inform you the benefits of going green to state. Yes, going green also give a good impact to our country.

One of the benefits of going green to the state is that it can increase our economy. When our environment is clean and healthy, full with wonderful floral and fauna habitats, the beach is clean and the water is crystal clear, it will attract tourist to come to our country thus it will increase our economy.

When our economy is increasing, our country will become more stable. We can afford to build and create the latest technology in term of building or gadgets. We also can afford to build an eco-friendly buildings. Click HERE to find out more on how going green can be beneficial to our state. Going green are beneficial to all three parties that includes individual, society and state. What are you waiting for? Start going green now!

Example of modern country

Example of eco-friendly buildings

What are you waiting for? Let's start going green now! :)


Benefits of Going Green (Society)

Hi people! Now that you know on the benefits of going green to individual, so let's move on to the benefits of going green to society. Yeap, not only it will give a good impact to the us but also to our society. What is the benefits of going green to society?

Firstly, it will create a good and healthy environment for the society. Can you image your resident's environment is clean? There will no dangerous and serious diseases that will occur. The people in your surrounding will live in peace and harmony. There will be affection and the society will be united and live together as one. 

Example of clean resident area.

It is very important for the society to start going green as soon as possible because it can guarantee a better and healthy environment for the the resident area. Come on and ask your society to join together as a team and going green for a better life! :)


Benefits of Going Green (Individual)

Hi people! Now that you know about the definition of eco-friendly, 3R concept and some of the ways that you can do to start going green on the previous post! I am sure that you guys might not clear especially on the benefits of going green.

For this post, I will tell you of the benefits of going green to individual that is we. Why is it important for us to go green? What it will give us? Let me tell you now.

First thing first, you will be free from diseases. When the earth is healthy, full with floral and fauna, with no pollution and natural disaster, the percentage of any diseases being spread is lower. People would not easily being sick. The main cause for disease is because of the unhealthy and dirty environment. When you live in a clean environment, you will not being easily exposed to the dangerous diseases.

Example of dangerous virus that causes diseases.

Besides that, you can save money just by going green. How? Well, on the previous post I already taught you the 3R concept in which you can save a  lot of money just by practicing the 3R concept. Click HERE to find out more how going green can save money. Other than that, you can cook your own meal at your home which is much cheaper than eating at restaurant.

Going green can save money!

In a nutshell, there are many benefits of going green to the individual. You will live healthy and wealthy just by going green. So, what are you waiting for? Let's go green together because it will give a lot of good impact to you! :)


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Let's Go Green! (Mini Garden)

Hi people! How are you guys doing? I hope that you guys are doing just fine. Beside the 3R concept, there is is another way and the most fun ways that you can to to go green and save our mother nature. People always said planting a tree is important, well, that is totally true!

Plants are very important to human rather that free Wifi because plants can produce oxygen for us to breathe and stay alive. Oxygen is our most needed because oxygen keeps us alive. Can you imagine if there is no oxygen? We will be death within three minutes! Click HERE to learn how to make your own mini garden at home.

Example of mini garden at home.

Example of mini garden at home.

You can plant your own trees and start your own garden at you home. If there is no empty space at your home, you can just plant a tree in the pot or vase. You can decorate your own mini garden according to your creativity.

Example of decorated mini garden.

Your home will  be more beautiful and relaxing with the mini garden. Thus, there will be more oxygen for you to breathe and the most important part is, it can be beneficial to our mother nature! Start your own mini garden now at your home and be creative! All the best! :)


Let's Go Green! (Reuse)

Hi people! In this entry I want to talk about 'Reuse.' Now that you are already known on the first term of 3R concept on the previous post (Reduce), now lets move to the second term that is Reuse.

What is Reuse?

Reuse is we reuse something again for the same use as before or use it for another purpose. Reuse can cut the usage of the in-destroyed thing such as plastic. So before you throw away some of the unwanted items that you don't use or need anymore in your house, you can think another way to reuse the item again.

Example of item that has been reuse.

Example of item that has been reuse.

There are many other things at your home that you can reuse before throwing it away. Go green and start reusing! Click HERE to know more about the items at your house that you can reuse. Reuse is the second term in 3R concept and it is really important for you to practice it as to save our mother nature. I hope you can start to reuse! All the best  people! :)


Let's Go Green! (Reduce)

Hi people! In this post, I want to talk about 'Reduce.'

What is Reduce?

Reduce is the first term that have been used  in 3R concept that I have already mentioned on the previous post. Now that you guys have already learn on how to make your own delicious and healthy salads that are eco-friendly but yet taste marvelous at the same time, you can start to practice this new term called 'Reduce.'

The meaning of 'Reduce' is that you are reducing the uses of electricity, water, and carbon footprints. The usage of electricity can give a bad effect to the earth. The more we electric that we use, the more the earth would be destroyed. Click HERE to learn the effective ways to save electricity.

Turn off the plug when you didn't use it.

Besides that, you need to reduce the use of water also as it is can be stored during the fall seasons. Click HERE to learn the easiest and simplest way to reduce your usage of water.

Turn off the water pipe when you didn't use it.

Lastly is your carbon footprints. Try to lower the uses of your car and walk instead. By this, you can reduce your carbon footprint. Click HERE to learn how to reduce your carbon footprint.

By doing this, you can save the earth and also save your money! All the best! :)



Let's Go Green! (Recycle)

Hi people! As you guys are already know about the first term (Reduce) and the secon term (Reuse) of the 3R concept on the previous post, Today I will talk about 'Recycle' that is the third and the very last term in 3R concept.

What is Recycle?

Recycle is a term that we use to to uses again some of things that has been throw away and recycle it back to be use again in order to avoid pollution by destroying it. Not all of the things we can recycle, for example we can recycle cane, box, plastic bottle and others.

Example of things that we can recycle.

Recycle is one of the easiest way that we can do in order to save our environment. You can click HERE to find out  the ten top most important items that you can recycle. There are many other things that you can recycle. 

The official logo for recycle.

You can start to recycle just by simply doing at your home! You can click HERE to learn how to recycle at your home! Now that you guys know the main three term in the 3R concept, you guys can start practicing it now! Do it to save our earth! All the best! :)


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Let's Go Green! (Homemade Food)

Hi people! On this post, I would like to start to teach all of you on some of the easy ways that we can do to go green. This time, I want to talk about food. Everyone like to eat right? But do you know that we can save our environment even by eating? Let me teach you how.

First things first, choose to eat more uncooked or raw food instead of cook food. When you are cooking, you will use more electricity and releasing smoke that contains carbon dioxide into the air that can causes global warming and the ozone layer will be become thinner.

I am not encourage you to eat raw meal such as raw meat or raw fish, you have to cook the meat for the better digestion thus it will kills all the bacteria inside the meat and make it more safer for you to eat it. Instead, I am encourage you to eat raw freshly salads!

Salad is a mixture of different types of vegetables and fruits together with a little bit of sauce that is according to your taste buds. Eating raw salads is not just good for your body but it also can cut the usage of electricity as there is no need to cook it! I repeat, you need to make your own raw freshly salads instead of buying it at the store because it can cut your carbon footprint.

I will teach you on how to make you own homemade salads.

Firstly, choose any types of vegetables or fruit that you like, then cut it into small pieces. Squeeze some lemon juices and mix it well. Tadaaaaa! Your own homemade salads is ready to be served! As simple as that! Click HERE to learn how to make a delicious fresh salads! 

Vegetables salad.

Vegetables salad

Fruit salad.

You can always try to mix it with different types of vegetables and fruits!

Other than salads, you can make your own other homemade food such as bread, cookies, cake, pie, pizza and so on. The benefits of cooking your own food at home is that it can decrease the uses of electricity and fuel (carbon footprint) plus you can save money because it is more cheaper than eating or buying food at the restaurant. But above of all, it can save our environment! So let's cook your own meal from now on! :)


3R Concept

Hi people! Now that you are aware of the meaning of eco-friendly and the importance of going green, I hope that you guys are interested to go green! :)

The very first to go green is by practicing the 3R concept.

What is 3R concept?

I am pretty sure that you guys are familiar with the concept right? To those who have even never heard about it, let me tell you. 3R is refer to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

3R concept logo

3R concept

Let me explain briefly on the 3R concept.

1. Reduce

We can reduce the usage of water, electricity and plastic to save our earth! Besides that, we also need to reduce our carbon footprint.

2. Reuse

We can always reuse our things for the same function or being creative and use it as other things. Reduce can really preventing us from wasting our money and save our earth! It is like kills two birds with one stone!

3. Recycle

There are a lots of things that we can recycle such as cans, plastics, boxes and more. Recycle is a good habit as it can be beneficial to many authorities plus it is really good for our mother nature!

I will be more specific with the 3R concept later on and share some of the few easy ways that we can do to to save our universe. You guys can start going green now by practicing and acknowledging the 3R concept. As you are already known, there are three types of dustbin that were invented to start going green.

The dustbin are categorized into a few categories is to differentiate between the items that we can reuse, recycle and throw away. This is one of the 3R concept that have been use publicly.  

Eco-friendly dustbin.

Eco-friendly dustbin.

I am sure that you guys have seen it somewhere around at the school, supermarket, shopping malls and park or even at your residents area. You can start going green by simply following the dustbin. Throw away the unwanted things into the right dustbin that have been already specifically. Moreover, you can create your own eco-friendly dustbin at your home simply by buying a few of dustbin and labelled it into a few categories.

Homemade eco-friendly dustbin

What are you waiting for? Let's start going green now by practicing the 3R concept! The changes is in our hands! :)
